Monday, 30 November 2015

Sumandeep Vidyapeeth AICET Results 2016, AICET 2016 Results,SVU AICET Entrance Exam Results 2016,SVU AICET 2016 Result Date, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University AICET 2016 Results,Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University AICET Results 2016,

SVU AICET Medical Entrance Test Results 2016, Sumandeep University AICET Results Date 2016, AICET 2016 Results Declaration, SVU AICET Results Announcement Date, SVU AICET 2016 Merit List, SVU AICET Examination Results 2016, SVU AICET Entrance Result Date 2016, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University 2016 ResultsSumandeep Vidyapeeth All India Common Entrance Test (AICET) 2016 exam Resultsare expected to be declared in by Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University. Candidates, who are going to appear for the exam, can check their Results on the official website of Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University.
Check here for more updates on AICET 2016.
AICET Exam 2016:
AICET shall be conducted for the admissions to the various graduates programs offered at Sumandeep Vidyapeeth in its constituent colleges SBKS Medical Institute & Research Centre is recognized by the Medical Council of India for MBBS program, K.M. Shah Dental College & Hospital is recognized by the Dental Council of India for BDS program, College of Physiotheraphy is recognized by the Association of Physiotherapy for BPT program, Sumandeep Nursing College is recognized by the Nursing council of India and Gujarat for B.Sc (Nursing) program and Pharmacy is recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India for B.Pharm and D.Pharm program.
Paper Pattern for AICET 2016:
The AICET 2016 will be of three hours duration containing 200 multiple choice questions (MCQs). Questions will be of single best response objective type with four answer option. Each correct answer will be awarded one mark. There shall be no negative marking for incorrect answers.
For more details and information on paper pattern, please visit their official website.
Top Search Keywords:Sumandeep Vidyapeeth AICET Results 2016, AICET 2016 Results, AICET Results, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University Vadodara, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth ResultsSumandeep Vidyapeeth AICET Sumandeep Vidyapeeth AICET Results 2016, AICET 2016 Results,SVU AICET Entrance Exam Results 2016,SVU AICET 2016 Result Date, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University AICET 2016 Results,Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University AICET Results 2016,

Sumandeep University Results 2016,Sumandeep University admission2016,Sumandeep University admitcard 2016,Sumandeep University timetable2016,

Sumandeep University Results 2016,Sumandeep University admission 2016,Sumandeep University admitcard 2016,Sumandeep University timetable 2016, University Result 2016- Dear visitors we are here to give you latest information on Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University from our resources we came to know that university has announced with publishing university examination results 2016, So waiting is over for the students who are looking for the results. Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University MBBS, BDS, other Under Graduation and Post Graduation exam results have been declared online by university itself at their official website all of the appeared students can check and compare their examination marks with the help of this one top educational portal or also by visiting university’s official website.

Indian Results Page is always here with you and for your any exams results or educational related queries; you can leave comment down below to give us a chance to provide better.

Sumandeep University has been released the Sumandeep University Result 2016 for Various UG and PG Degree such as B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, BBA, BCA, B.Ed, M.A, M.Com, M.Sc, MBA, MCA of Semester (1st, 2nd, 3rd & Final year) examinations. We will update the latest news about Sumandeep University Distance Education Results 2016.

Mostly Sumandeep University Result 2016 will be available in the official website of the Sumandeep University and also from here itself. A large number of candidates took the regular semester and distance education examinations are awaiting for their results.

Nearly a few thousands of students around Gujarat took the Sumandeep University semester examination 2016- 2016 and they are all awaiting for their results. Candidates who wrote the Sumandeep University examination can download their results from the links which is shown below.

Students should enter their Registration number and name of the department, Semester number in order to download your Sumandeep University Results 2016. We advise you to use the below link:

Students having any questions, then ask us through the comment box.

Auro University Results 2016,Auro University admission 2016,Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed Results 2016,

Auro University Results 2016,Auro University admission 2016,Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed Results 2016, University Exam Results 2016 at , Auro University Results 2016 of BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed, LLB for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Year/ Semester wise, Auro University Supplementary Results 2016
Auro University Results Details :

Auro University Exam Results
Dear visitors we are here to give you latest information on Auro University from our resources we came to know that university has announced with publishing university examination results 2016, So waiting is over for the students who are looking for the results. Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed, LLB for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Year/ Semester wise exam results have been declared online by university itself at their official website all of the appeared students can check and compare their examination marks with the help of this one top educational portal or also by visiting university’s official website.

Indian Results Page is always here with you and for your any exams results or educational related queries; you can leave comment down below to give us a chance to provide better.
About University :
Auro University was established in year 2011 . It is very well reputed university in all over India, basically this university is situated at Surat, Gujarat. University made its own good will from its highly qualified and cooperative faculty staff. Even facilities given to the students here play a vital role in making excellent Infrastructure which makes it finest amongst all. Every year thousands of students rely on this university for putting their future on right track.

Results download link => Auro University Exam Results 2016Auro University Results 2016,Auro University admission 2016,Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed Results 2016,

SVNIT Results 2016,SVNIT Admission 2016,SVNIT exam time table / date sheet 2016,SVNIT exam hall ticket / admit card 2016,

SVNIT Results 2016,SVNIT Admission 2016,SVNIT exam time table / date sheet 2016,SVNIT exam hall ticket / admit card 2016, Results 2016 May December BTech MTech BE MSC 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th year,SVNIT Results 2016 May December BTech MTech BE MSC 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th year
1. Hello everyone, SVNIT B.E, B.Tech, M.E, M.Tech, M.Sc, for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th Year Regular & Supplementary Results 2016 are on its official webpage . So, all the students who have appeared for those exams can check their results online on the official webpage or on our website. Click on the results page, enter your roll number in the space provided and download your results. You an even check your results and compare your marks using our webpage also.

History of Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT)

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT) was established by Govt of India in 1961. This university is popularly known as National Institute of Technology, Surat. It is situated at Surat, Gujarat. NIT Surat was established to train engineers and scientist to bring to the country's raising need for R&D and technological manpower. The institute offers Doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate courses in Engineering and Technology,Humanities, Management and Science. SVNIT results 2016 - Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT) Postal Address and contact details


Ichchhanath, SURAT-395 007


Office : 0261-2259571, 2259582.

Fax : 0261-2227334, 2228394


If you want to receive all latest updates about SVNIT exam time table / date sheet 2016, SVNIT exam hall ticket / admit card 2016SVNIT Results 2016,SVNIT Admission 2016,SVNIT exam time table / date sheet 2016,SVNIT exam hall ticket / admit card 2016,

gujarat vidyapith results 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University BA, BCom, BSC Results 2016,gujarat vidyapith recruitment 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University time table / date sheet 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University admit card 2016,

gujarat vidyapith results 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University BA, BCom, BSC Results 2016,gujarat vidyapith recruitment 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University time table / date sheet 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University admit card 2016,
Gujarat Vidyapith University BA, BCom, BSC Results 2016, Gujarat Vidyapith University Entrance Results 2016 , Gujarat Vidyapith University Revaluation, Supplementary Exam Results 2016 - 1. Results news on Gujarat Vidyapith University Exam : So all the aspirants of Gujarat Vidyapith University who have appeared for the university exams can see their results online on their official website It is found that Gujarat Vidyapith University BA, BCom, MSc, MA, MCA, Entrance, Regular & Supplementary Exam Results are published on the website to help the candidates to check results and compare the marks.
Gujarat Vidyapith University Results 2016 -
About Gujarat Vidyapith University - Gujarat Vidyapith University, a well reputed university was established in year 1920. It is situated at Ahmedabad, Gujarat and is well famous for its highly qualified and cooperative faculty staff, infrastructure facilities etc. All these characteristics helped to gain reputation in the market
If you want to receive all latest news updates about Gujarat Vidyapith University time table / date sheet 2016, Gujarat Vidyapith University exam hall ticket / admit card 2016 and Gujarat Vidyapith University study material, Previous Question papers, Syllabusgujarat vidyapith results 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University BA, BCom, BSC Results 2016,gujarat vidyapith recruitment 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University time table / date sheet 2016,Gujarat Vidyapith University admit card 2016,

Thursday, 26 November 2015

PDPU Results 2016,PDPU Admissions 2016,Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Results 2016,PDPU Entrance Exam Results 2016,

PDPU Results 2016,PDPU Admissions 2016,Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Results 2016,PDPU Entrance Exam Results 2016,

About PDPU 2016: Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University has been promoted by Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) to create a world class University in energy education and research with special focus on the oil and gas sector. The university has further expanded its programs to address the need for trained human reource in the domains of engineering.

School of Petroleum Technology offers B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering. It is academically engaged in creating a high quality talent pool for the hydrocarbon sector across the entire value chain.

School of Technology offers B.Tech. in the fields of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, & Chemical Engineering, besides the Ph.D. Program.

SpecializationNumber of Seats
Civil Engineering60 seats
Chemical Engineering60 seats
Electrical Engineering60 seats
Industrial Engineering60 seats
Mechanical Engineering60 seats

PDPU 2016 Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates should have passed 10+2 examination in relevant discipline with 50% (45% for SC/ST) of marks from a recognised board of examination.

PDPU 2016 Process:

The University will invite candidates in the order of Merit at the University Campus on the specified dates as mentioned in the admission schedule for the counseling process through its website. Candidates present at counseling Session will be given a brief presentation about the University, Programmes and Student Life at Campus. Candidates are required to remain present with original certificates as prescribed in admission process and prescribed fee for the programme.

Tentatively the counselling for candidates of All India States (except Gujarat State) and UTs

Category shall be held on Last week of June.

Tentatively the counselling for candidates of Gujarat State shall be held on first week of July.

PDPU 2016 Participating Institutes:

School of Petroleum Technology

School of Petroleum Technology

Contact Info:

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Raisan Village, District-Gandhinagar
Pincode-382 007. Gujarat, INDIA
Phone: +91 79 23275060
Fax: +91 79 23275030

INMU results 2016,Nirma University results 2016,nirma university admission 2016,nirma university mba,law results 2016,

Nirma University results 2016,nirma university admission 2016,nirma university mba,law results 2016, result 2016, Nirma result 2016, Nirma University result 2016, INMU 2016 result, Nirma University 2016 result, Nirma University exam result 2016, Nirma University exam result, Nirma result, IMNU result, IMNU Exam 2016 result, INMU result 2016 name wise, IMNU result date 2016, result of IMNU 2016, Result of Nirma University 2016, Nirma University exam result released on 1st July 2016, Nirma Exam result 2016, Nirma University Law result 2016, Nirma University 2016 Law result
Nirma University results 2016
Nirma University Exams has conducted successfully and candidates are still waiting for Nirma University result 2016. NirmaUniversity results are not declared yet. Candidates are searching for Nirma University Result 2016.
NirmaUniversity will release IMNU result 2016 on 1st July 2016. Candidates who have appeared in Nirma University Exam 2016 will be able to check their Nirma University result from the official website of Nirma University,
Candidates will have to enter their Personal details to get Nirma University Result 2016. Candidates will be getting their Nirma University result 2016 by visiting the official web portal of Nirma result 2016.
Candidates will be able to check their Nirma University result 2016 from our website also. We have placed the links which will avail you Nirma University result 2016 are given below and will be updated soon to provide you IMNU result 2016.
Candidates may bookmark our website to get all latest updates about Nirma University result 2016. So get you IMNU result 2016 from our website. Our best wishes for all….!!
Nirma result 2016
IMNU result 2016
Nirma University result 2016
Nirma University exam result 2016
Nirma University Law result 2016
Result of Nirma University exam 2016

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Indus University Results 2016,Indus University Admission 2016,indus university career 2016,indus university jobs 2016,

Indus University Results 2016,Indus University Admission 2016,indus university career 2016,indus university jobs 2016,indusuniversity.inIndus University Exam Results 2016 welcome dear visitors to get started, Indus University has published its university results on the official webpage of the university i.e. So, all the candidates who have appeared for the examination can check their results online and evaluate your performance on our reputed webpage you can find a link that drives you towards official website of Indus university, click on this link and check for various options that are available online.

Indus University overview
Indus University is one among various reputed universities in the world and established in year 1994. it is located at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. some of the major features that enriched its popularity in the nation are its high skilled staff, good infrastructure and excellent meritorious track record. it offers various programmes such as B.Tech, B.Arch, B.Sc (AME), MBA, MCA, M.Sc (ICT) and M.Tech Programmes. hence a huge number of students rely on this university every year to take part in any of the courses.

Indus University Results 2016 -

If you want to receive all latest news updates about Indus University exam time table / date sheet 2016, Indus University exam hall ticket / admit card 2016 and Indus University study material, Previous Question papers, Syllabus via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates stay in touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.Indus University Results 2016,Indus University Admission 2016,indus university career 2016,indus university jobs 2016,

KSV University Results 2016,KSV University Admission 2016,Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Results 2016,

Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Result 2016 B. Sc, BCA, BBA, B. Com, B. Ed, B. Pharm Result 2016 M. Sc, MBA, M. Phil, M. Ed, M. Pharm Results 2016 Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Supplementary | Reappear Results 2016

The Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya UG Degree Result 2016:- Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya offers the graduate degrees and courses to the students like B. Sc, BCA, BBA, B. Com, B. Ed, B. Pharm. The Annual exam result of Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya 2016 will be announced soon.

Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Results 2016 - Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Results 2016 are likely to be announced soon. The Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya has conducted examinations 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year Annual Result 2016. Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya results 2016 will be available on the official university site.

Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Semesters Results 2016 - Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Semesters Results 2016 are likely to be announced soon. The Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya has conducted examinations 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Semester Result 2016. Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya results 2016 will be available on the official university site.

The Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya PG Degree Result 2016:- Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya offers the post graduate degrees and courses to the students like M. Sc, MBA, M. Phil, M. Ed, M. Pharm. The Annual exam result of Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya 2016 will be announced soon.

Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya has conducted the exams of the above degrees, These exams have been held on couple of months ago. And those candidates unable to score minimum marks, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya conducted Supplementary exam.

Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Supplementary Results 2016 | Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Reappear Exam Result B. Sc, BCA, BBA, B. Com, B. Ed, B. Pharm, M. Sc, MBA, M. Phil, M. Ed, M. Pharm Exam


About of Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya:-

Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya is a University established vide Gujarat State Government Act 21 of 2007 in May 2007 and approved by UGC (ref F. 9-18/2008(cpp-1) March 19,2009).

Official Address of Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya:-

Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya,
Sector – 15, Near KH – 5,
Gandhinagar – 382 015.
(Gujarat – INDIA)


Ganpat University Results 2016,ganpat university admission 2016,ganpat university result 2016,ganpat university diploma results 2016,

Ganpat University has published an advertisement for result. Ganpat University is going to announce the result of BCA, BBA and MCA.

All those students who are waiting for result related to these courses, now may able to check their result and ready to join next semester classes.

Result of BCA and BBA and MBA result are uploaded on the official website of the Ganpat University.

The entire helpful details related to the result are given below by the for Ganpat University Result 2016:

How to check Ganpat University result?

Dear student, here we are providing you some easy steps by follow them you may check your result, which are:

  • In the beginning you will have to logon the official website of Ganpat University to view result that is

  • Find a link as ‘result’.

  • Track that link to view the result.

  • Select your required link for which you want to check result.

  • Some options are situated there that require some information related to the Students for providing the result.

  • Fill required information such as enter your roll number and birth date to check the result.

  • Now the result will be appear in front of your eyes on your computer screen.

  • Taking printout of that is necessary.

Ganpat University results 2016 can be checked at:

Students may check Ganpat University results 2016 at: Corresponding Colleges or Institute or in Ganpat University itself.

You may check Ganpat University Result 2016 at online / website also by entering your registration number.

Ganpat University Result 2016 (Online) - You can get your results through online Ganpat University official website.

Ganpat University Result 2016 (Offline) (College/University) - you can also get your Mark sheet from your corresponding colleges. All colleges under Ganpat University published selected probational merit list on college notice board along with exam candidate Name, Roll Number, Registration Number, Score/Marks.Ganpat University Results 2016,ganpat university admission 2016,ganpat university result 2016,ganpat university diploma results 2016,,

CHARUSAT University Results 2016,CHARUSAT University Admission 2016,CHARUSAT time table / date sheet 2016, CHARUSAT exam Hall ticket / admit card 2016,Charotar University of Science & Technology Results 2016,

Dear visitors. Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) has published its university examination results 2016 on its official website . So all the students who have appeared for Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) Exams 2016 can check their results on the official webpage.on our website we have published link where you can check your results.

About Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) -
CHARUSAT was established in the year 2009 at Anand in Gujarat. It offers various courses such as BPT, Msc, Ph.D, PGD, MBA, MCA, B.Tech and other academic programmes.

CHARUSAT University Results 2016 | B.Tech 1st SEM

CHARUSAT results 2016 -

Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) Postal Address and contact details offcial website : CHARUSAT At Post: Changa, Taluka: Petlad, District: Anand, Pin Code: 388 421. Contact Info - Phone# 02697-247 500, Fax# 02697-247 100, Email-ID:

If you want to receive all latest updates about CHARUSAT time table / date sheet 2016, CHARUSAT exam Hall ticket / admit card 2016 and CHARUSAT study material, Previous Question papers, Syllabus via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates stay in touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
CHARUSAT University Results 2016,CHARUSAT University Admission 2016,CHARUSAT time table / date sheet 2016, CHARUSAT exam Hall ticket / admit card 2016,Charotar University of Science & Technology Results 2016,

Calrox Teacher’s University Results 2016,Calrox Teacher’s University admissions 2016,Calrox Teacher University Admit Card 2016,

Calrox Teacher’s University was established in 1995 by Calorx Group of Companies, New Delhi . The university has signed an MOU with University of West Georgia to facilitate students and faculty exchange programme and curriculum development. University offers BA , Bed , MA , Ph.D and Mphil Courses and Post B.Ed & PTC Diploma (EDP) also.

Calrox Teacher’s University Conducts Examination of various graduate and postgraduate courses for its affiliated colleges. Check Calrox Teacher’s University Results 2016 in various under graduate and postgraduate courses. Get latest Result, Notifications of Calrox Teacher’s University. For More Details regarding the results and updates refer to its official website ( Students, from our latest resources we came to know that Calorx Teacher’s University has announced university’s examination results. Results are available at their official website at the students who appeared in the examination can check and see their exams results with the assist of this education portal or moreover by visiting university’s official website.

Calorx Teacher’s University is widely known for its highly qualified faculty staff and exquisite infrastructure. Calorx Teacher’s University is a State university and it was established in 1941 year. University is located at Ahmedabad in Gujarat State. Every year thousands of students join respective courses offered by the university with the believe of putting their future into right hands to make career brighter.

We moreover would like to put some light on the courses offered by this university as follows:-
Arts Courses
Course Name
B.A. + B.Ed.

Science Courses
Course Name
Calrox Teacher's University Results 2016,Calrox Teacher's University admissions 2016,Calrox Teacher University Admit Card 2016,

Auro University Results 2016,Auro University Admission 2016,Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed, LLB Results 2016,

Dear visitors we are here to give you latest information on Auro University from our resources we came to know that university has announced with publishing university examination results 2016, So waiting is over for the students who are looking for the results. Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed, LLB for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Year/ Semester wise exam results have been declared online by university itself at their official website all of the appeared students can check and compare their examination marks with the help of this one top educational portal or also by visiting university’s official website.

is always here with you and for your any exams results or educational related queries; you can leave comment down below to give us a chance to provide better.

About University
Auro University was established in year 2011 . It is very well reputed university in all over India, basically this university is situated at Surat, Gujarat. University made its own good will from its highly qualified and cooperative faculty staff. Even facilities given to the students here play a vital role in making excellent Infrastructure which makes it finest amongst all. Every year thousands of students rely on this university for putting their future on right track.
Dear visitors.Auro University has published its university examination results 2016 on its official website . So all the students who are eagerly looking for Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed, LLB for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Year/ Semester wise exam results can check their results on the official webpage You an even find the results on our website, we have published link where you can check your results.
About Auro University - Auro University was started in the year 2011 and is situated at Surat in Gujarat. This university has been awarded as the best university in use of technology in teaching learning practices by CCI technology education excellence award 2016.
Auro University results 2016 -
Auro University Postal Address and contact details Official address :
AURO University, earthspace, Hazira Road, Opp ONGC Surat - 394510, Gujarat, India. Tel: +91 261 4088101 / 04 Mo: +91 9099973068 / 99 Email:, Website -
Auro University Results 2016,Auro University Admission 2016,Auro University BBA, BCA, BA, BCom, BSc, MBA, MCA, B.Ed, LLB Results 2016,

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

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Monday, 23 November 2015

ACCENTURE Recruitment 2016,ACCENTURE Jobs 2016,ACCENTURE Vacancy 2016,ACCENTURE Openings 2016,ACCENTURE Career 2016,ACCENTURE results 2016,Walk-In Interview ACCENTURE 2016

ACCENTURE Recruitment 2016,ACCENTURE Jobs 2016,ACCENTURE Vacancy 2016,ACCENTURE Openings 2016,ACCENTURE Career 2016,ACCENTURE results 2016,Walk-In Interview ACCENTURE 2016
Accenture plc is a multinational management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company headquartered in Dublin, Republic of Ireland. It is the world's largest consulting firm measured by revenues[2] and is a constituent of the Fortune Global 500 list.[3] As of August 2016, the company has approximately 266,000 employees serving clients in more than 120 countries.[2][4] India currently is the single largest employee base for Accenture, with the headcount expected to reach 87,000 in August 2016. In the US, it has about 40,000 employees and in the Philippines 35,000.[5] Accenture's current clients include 89 of the Fortune Global 100 and more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500.[6] Since September 1, 2009 the company has been incorporated in Ireland.[7]

Accenture common equity is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is a member of the S&P 500 index
Type Public limited company
Traded as NYSE: ACN
Industry Management consulting, IT services, IT consulting
Predecessor(s) Arthur Andersen (1989-2001)
Founded 1989
Headquarters Dublin, Ireland (incorporation)
Area served worldwide
Key people Pierre Nanterme
(Chairman & CEO)
Services IT, business consulting and outsourcing services
Revenue Increase US$ 29.77 billion, US$ 27.9 billion net revenue (2016)[1]
Operating income Increase US$ 3.87 billion (2016)[1]
Net income Increase US$ 2.55 billion (2016)[1]
Total assets Increase US$ 16.66 billion (2016)[1]
Total equity Increase US$ 4.14 billion (2016)[1]
Employees 266,000 (2016)[1]
ACCENTURE Recruitment 2016,ACCENTURE Jobs 2016,ACCENTURE Vacancy 2016,ACCENTURE Openings 2016,ACCENTURE Career 2016,ACCENTURE results 2016,Walk-In Interview ACCENTURE 2016

DELOITTE Recruitment 2016,DELOITTE Jobs 2016,DELOITTE Vacancy 2016,DELOITTE Openings 2016,DELOITTE Career 2016,DELOITTE results 2016,Walk-In Interview DELOITTE 2016

DELOITTE Recruitment 2016,DELOITTE Jobs 2016,DELOITTE Vacancy 2016,DELOITTE Openings 2016,DELOITTE Career 2016,DELOITTE results 2016,Walk-In Interview DELOITTE 2016Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited /dəˈlɔɪt/, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is one of the Big Four professional services firms along with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Ernst & Young, and KPMG.

Deloitte is the largest professional services network in the world by revenue and has 193,000 employees in more than 150 countries providing audit, tax, consulting, enterprise risk and financial advisory services.[2] In FY 2016, Deloitte earned a record $34 billion USD in revenues.[3]

In 2016, it was reported that in the UK, Deloitte has the largest number of clients amongst FTSE 250 companies.[4]

Its global headquarters is located in New York City, United States
Type UK private company, limited by guarantee
Industry Professional services
Founded London, England, U. K. (1845)
Founder(s) William Welch Deloitte
Headquarters 30 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York City, New York, U. S.
Area served Worldwide
Key people Stephen Almond (Chairman)
Barry Salzberg (CEO)[1]
Services Assurance
Tax Advisory
Financial Advisory
Enterprise Risk
Revenue Increase US$ 34 billion (2016)
Employees 193,000 (2016)

DELOITTE Recruitment 2016,DELOITTE Jobs 2016,DELOITTE Vacancy 2016,DELOITTE Openings 2016,DELOITTE Career 2016,DELOITTE results 2016,Walk-In Interview DELOITTE 2016

TECH MAHINDRA Recruitment 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Jobs 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Vacancy 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Openings 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Career 2016,TECH MAHINDRA results 2016,Walk-In Interview TECH MAHINDRA 2016

TECH MAHINDRA Recruitment 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Jobs 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Vacancy 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Openings 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Career 2016,TECH MAHINDRA results 2016,Walk-In Interview TECH MAHINDRA 2016Tech Mahindra Limited is an Indian provider of information technology (IT), networking technology solutions and business support services (BPO) to the telecommunications industry.[3] Tech Mahindra is a part of Mahindra Group conglomerate with headquartered at Pune, India.

Tech Mahindra is ranked #5 in India's software services firms and overall #161 in Fortune India 500 list for 2011.[4]

Its executive management team consists of Anand Mahindra as Chairman, Vineet Nayyar( Vice Chairman), C. P. Gurnani (CEO and MD), Manoj Chugh (Global Head sales), Sujit Baksi (President – Corporate Affairs & Business Services Group), Milind Kulkarni (Chief Financial Officer), L. Ravichandran (President - IT Services), Amitava Roy (Chief Operating Officer), Sujitha Karnad (Senior Vice President - HR & QMG for IT Services).[5] Tech Mahindra on June 25, 2016 announced the completion of Mahindra Satyam’s merger with itself. Post-merger, the new entity will become the fifth largest IT company in the country with revenues of $2.7 billion.[6] Milind Kulkarni would be the CFO of the combined entity which would have a team of 84,000 professionals, servicing 540 customers across 46 countries. It will have 15 overseas offices for BPO (business process outsourcing) operations and software development.Its revenue for 2016-13 was put at $2.7 billion (Rs 16,000 crore)Type Public, NSE: TECHM)
Industry IT services, IT consulting
Founded 1986
Headquarters Mumbai, India[1]
Key people Vineet Nayyar (VC)
C. P. Gurnani (CEO)
Services IT, business consulting and outsourcing services
Revenue Increase $2.7 billion (combined revenue of Mahindra Satyam and Tech Mahindra) (2016)[2]
Net income Increase $129 million (2016)[2]
Employees 84,000(2016)[2]
Parent Mahindra Group

TECH MAHINDRA Recruitment 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Jobs 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Vacancy 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Openings 2016,TECH MAHINDRA Career 2016,TECH MAHINDRA results 2016,Walk-In Interview TECH MAHINDRA 2016

WIPRO Recruitment 2016,WIPRO Jobs 2016,WIPRO Vacancy 2016,WIPRO Openings 2016,WIPRO Career 2016,WIPRO results 2016,Walk-In Interview WIPRO 2016

WIPRO Recruitment 2016,WIPRO Jobs 2016,WIPRO Vacancy 2016,WIPRO Openings 2016,WIPRO Career 2016,WIPRO results 2016,Walk-In Interview WIPRO 2016
Wipro Limited (formerly Western India Products Limited[3]) (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685) is an Indian multinational information technology (IT) consulting and outsourcing service company located in Bangalore, Karnataka in India.[4][5] As of March 2016, the company has 145,000 employees with a presence in 54 countries.[6] Wipro is the third largest IT services company in India.[7] Its subsidiary, Wipro Enterprises Ltd., offers consumer care, lighting, healthcare, and infrastructure engineering
Type Public
Traded as BSE: 507685
BSE SENSEX Constituent
Industry IT services, IT consulting
Founded Amalner, Maharashtra (December 1945)
Founder(s) Hasham Premji
Headquarters Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Area served Worldwide
Key people Azim Premji
Services IT, business consulting and outsourcing services
Revenue Increase US$ 7.95 billion (2016)[1]
Operating income Increase US$ 1.28 billion (2016)[1]
Profit Increase US$ 1.22 billion (2016)[1]
Total assets Decrease US$ 8.08 billion (2016)[1]
Total equity Decrease US$ 5.21 billion (2016)[1]
Employees 147,281 (June 2016)[2]
WIPRO Recruitment 2016,WIPRO Jobs 2016,WIPRO Vacancy 2016,WIPRO Openings 2016,WIPRO Career 2016,WIPRO results 2016,Walk-In Interview WIPRO 2016

HCL Recruitment 2016,HCL Jobs 2016,HCL Vacancy 2016,HCL Openings 2016,HCL Career 2016,HCL results 2016,Walk-In Interview HCL 2016

HCL Recruitment 2016,HCL Jobs 2016,HCL Vacancy 2016,HCL Openings 2016,HCL Career 2016,HCL results 2016,Walk-In Interview HCL 2016
HCL Technologies Limited (HCL) is an Indian provider of Information technology (IT) services and consulting company headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is primarily engaged in providing a range of outsourcing services, business process outsourcing and infrastructure services. HCL Technologies is the fifth largest IT company in India and is ranked 48 in the global list of IT services providersThe company acquired Capital stream, a US BFSI product company for US$40 million in February 2008. Capital stream's Finance Center product is an obligation to HCL's current product addressing the BFSI market - Pen stock, the product that HCL has launched in 2007. HCL sold its product Capital steam to French applications software provider Line data for a consideration of $45 million

On 15 December 2008, HCLT acquired the UK based AXON Group for US$658 million, which was renamed HCL Axon.
Type Public
Traded as BSE: 532281
Industry IT services, IT consulting
Founded November 12, 1991
Founder(s) Shiv Nadar
Headquarters Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Area served Worldwide
Key people Shiv Nadar
(Chairman & CSO)
Vineet Nayar
(VC & Joint Managing Director)
Anant Gupta
(President & CEO)
Services IT, business consulting and outsourcing services
Revenue Increase US$ 4.54 billion (Apr 2016)[1]
Employees 85,515(june 2016)[1]

HCL Recruitment 2016,HCL Jobs 2016,HCL Vacancy 2016,HCL Openings 2016,HCL Career 2016,HCL results 2016,Walk-In Interview HCL 2016

INFOSYS Recruitment 2016,INFOSYS Jobs 2016,INFOSYS Vacancy 2016,INFOSYS Openings 2016,INFOSYS Career 2016,INFOSYS results 2016,Walk-In Interview INFOSYS 2016

INFOSYS Recruitment 2016,INFOSYS Jobs 2016,INFOSYS Vacancy 2016,INFOSYS Openings 2016,INFOSYS Career 2016,INFOSYS results 2016,Walk-In Interview INFOSYS 2016

Infosys logo
Type Public
Traded as BSE: 500209
BSE SENSEX Constituent
CNX Nifty Constituent
Industry IT services, IT consulting
Founded 1981

N. R. Narayana Murthy
Nandan Nilekani
N. S. Raghavan
S Gopalakrishnan
S D Shibulal
K Dinesh
Ashok Arora

Headquarters Electronics City, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Area served Worldwide
Infosys (formerly Infosys Technologies) is an Indian multinational provider of business consulting, information technology, software engineering and outsourcing services. It is headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka.[3] Infosys is the third-largest India-based IT services company by 2016 revenues,[4] and the second largest employer of H-1B visa professionals in the United States, as of 2016.[5] On 28 March 2016, its market capitalisation was $30.8 billion, making it India's sixth largest publicly traded company

Key people N. R. Narayana Murthy
(Executive Chairman)
S. D. Shibulal
(CEO & MD)
S. Gopalakrishnan
(Executive Vice Chairman, former Co-Chairman)
Revenue Increase US$ 7.39 billion (2016)[1]
Operating income Decrease US$ 1.90 billion (2016)[1]
Profit Increase US$ 1.72 billion (2016)[1]
Total assets Increase US$ 8.53 billion (2016)[1]
Total equity Increase US$ 7.33 billion (2016)[1]
Employees 157,263(June 2016)[2]
Divisions Infosys BPO
Lodestone Management Consultants
INFOSYS Recruitment 2016,INFOSYS Jobs 2016,INFOSYS Vacancy 2016,INFOSYS Openings 2016,INFOSYS Career 2016,INFOSYS results 2016,Walk-In Interview INFOSYS 2016

TCS Recruitment 2016,TCS Jobs 2016,TCS Vacancy 2016,TCS Openings 2016,TCS Career 2016,TCS results 2016,Walk-In Interview TCS 2016

TCS Recruitment 2016,TCS Jobs 2016,TCS Vacancy 2016,TCS Openings 2016,TCS Career 2016,TCS results 2016,Walk-In Interview TCS 2016
Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) (BSE: 532540, NSE: TCS) is an Indian multinational information technology (IT) services, business solutions and consulting company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. TCS operates in 44 countries and has more than 199 branches across the world. It is a subsidiary of the Tata Group and is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India. It is one of India's most valuable companies[3] and is the largest India-based IT services company by 2016 revenues. The company is the largest India-based IT services company by employee count as well. S Ramadorai, the non-executive vice chairman of TCS has written a book ' The TCS story and beyond....' which essays his journey at TCS .
TCS Logo.svg
Type Public
Traded as BSE: 532540
BSE SENSEX Constituent
Industry IT services, IT consulting
Founded 1968
Founder(s) J R D Tata
Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Area served Worldwide
Key people Cyrus Mistry
N. Chandrasekaran
(CEO & MD)
Services IT, business consulting and outsourcing services
Revenue Increase US$ 11.66 Billion (FY 2016-13)[1]
Profit Increase US$ 2.58 Billion (FY 2016-13)[1]
Employees 277,586 (June 2016)[2]
Parent Tata Group
Subsidiaries CMC Limited, TCS China, TRDDC, Computational Research Laboratories, MPOnline Limited

TCS Recruitment 2016,TCS Jobs 2016,TCS Vacancy 2016,TCS Openings 2016,TCS Career 2016,TCS results 2016,Walk-In Interview TCS 2016

Cognizant Recruitment 2016,Cognizant Jobs 2016,Cognizant Vacancy 2016,Cognizant Openings 2016,Cognizant Career 2016,cognizant results 2016,Walk-In Interview Cognizant 2016

Cognizant Recruitment 2016,Cognizant Jobs 2016,Cognizant Vacancy 2016,Cognizant Openings 2016,Cognizant Career 2016,cognizant results 2016,Walk-In Interview Cognizant 2016

Advance your career at one of the fastest-growing IT, business process Services , and consulting companies in the world.

Join. Collaborate. Contribute. Thrive.

Starting out? Newly experienced? Seasoned professional? Wherever you are in your career journey, we offer energizing, challenging global opportunities, working for top-tier clients in almost every industry.

If you’re new to the workforce, our international footprint, wide industry reach, and broad exposure to the latest technologies provide a wide world of opportunity to launch your career in the right direction.

Or maybe you’re an established professional, seeking fresh challenges? Then Cognizant is right for you. We’re growing quickly, expanding rapidly around the globe, resolving new problems for clients, and opening new frontiers to explore. We're always looking for how clients can create more innovative ways of doing business… leverage advanced technologies… and transform their operations in advance of any economic eventuality.

The work code here is “client first,” and we breathe it daily. Although, we do work hard, it’s worth it. Because our clients truly appreciate what we do. They value the business-technology insights and capabilities we deliver to their organizations, and the success we help enable. The proof: They come back to us again and again, 90+% of the time, and have helped to make us the “fastest growing, top-tier IT services company in the world.”

Cognizant Technology Solutions Logo
Type Public
Traded as NASDAQ: CTSH
NASDAQ-100 Component
S&P 500 Component
Industry IT services, IT consulting
Predecessor(s) Dun & Bradstreet
Founded 1994
Founder(s) Kumar Mahadeva
Headquarters Teaneck, New Jersey, United States
Area served Worldwide
Key people John E. Klein (Chairman)
Francisco D'Souza (CEO)
Services IT, business consulting and outsourcing services
Revenue Increase US$ 7.35 billion (2016)[1]
Operating income Increase US$ 1.36 billion (2016)[1]
Profit Increase US$ 1.05 billion (2016)[1]
Total assets Increase US$ 6.52 billion (2016)[1]
Total equity Increase US$ 4.85 billion (2016)[1]
Employees 162,700 (March 2016)[1]

Cognizant Recruitment 2016,Cognizant Jobs 2016,Cognizant Vacancy 2016,Cognizant Openings 2016,Cognizant Career 2016,cognizant results 2016,Walk-In Interview Cognizant 2016 at

Cricket Calendar 2016,Cricket Schedule 2016,Cricket schedule for India 2016,ICC T20 World Cup 2016 Schedule,Cricket Asia Cup 2016 Schedule,indian cricket schedule 2016

Cricket Calendar 2016,Cricket Schedule 2016,Cricket schedule for India 2016,ICC T20 World Cup 2016 Schedule,Cricket Asia Cup 2016 Schedule,indian cricket schedule 2016

Dubai: The ICC on Wednesday announced the schedule of World Twenty20 Qualifier to be held at United Arab Emirates (UAE) from November 15 to 30.

The 15-day tournament, which will see 16 teams battle it out for six available slots in the ICC World Twenty20 tournament scheduled to be held in Bangladesh in March next year, will be played at seven venues.

The venues are respectively, Dubai International Cricket Stadium and ICC Academy grounds No.1 and No.2 in Dubai, Zayed Cricket Stadium and Abu Dhabi Ovals 1 and 2 in Abu Dhabi and the Sharjah Cricket Stadium.

The 16 teams have been divided into two groups with last year's winner, Ireland, in Group A alongside Canada, Hong Kong, Italy, Namibia, Uganda, USA and the host United Arab Emirates, while Group B comprises of Afghanistan, Bermuda, Denmark, Netherlands, Nepal, Kenya, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Scotland.

ICC's Global Development Manager, Tim Anderson, said: "The time has come once again for important and prestigious event on the ICC calendar in which 16 leading members amongst the Associates and Affiliates will vie for the six available places in the ICC World Twenty20 Bangladesh 2016.

"This final qualifier is the last step of a pathway that comprised 11 ICC regional tournaments during 2016 and 2016, this time we will see six teams gain the opportunity to be a part of the global tournament to be held next year."

This is the third time that the ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier is being held in the UAE. The tournament was last hosted in the country in 2016 and saw Afghanistan and Ireland claiming the qualifying positions.

The Chief Executive of the Emirates Cricket Board (ECB), David East, said: "We are happy and excited to host the ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier 2016 for the third successive year.

"This qualifying event for World Twenty20 will take place ahead of the ICC Under-19 World Cup 2016, an event billed as the finishing school for future stars. The allocation of these two important events is an illustration of the faith and confidence the ICC has on the ECB in producing quality events.

"The ECB will ensure that it lives up to its standards and will try it make the events memorable for the players, officials, spectators, media and the sponsors."

Cricket have evolved so much in the last decade and with the introduction of T20 cricket fans get to watch fast paced matches of highest standards more frequently than the past. The next edition of the Twenty20 World Cup will held in Bangladesh and there are some major changes in the formate of the most exciting cricket event in the world, we will discuss at length of next world cup which will held in and around March – April in 2016.Cricket Calendar 2016,Cricket Schedule 2016,Cricket schedule for India 2016,ICC T20 World Cup 2016 Schedule,Cricket Asia Cup 2016 Schedule,indian cricket schedule 2016

The ICC will have a qualifier event for the ICC World T20 2016, which will be played in UAE in October 2016 where 16 teams are expected to take part and top 6 will join the 10 full ICC memeber teams in next year’s World Cup.

With 16 teams participating in the next years World Cup we will have 4 groups of 4 teams each, and every team in the group will play three matches and the top 2 from every group will make it to the Quarterfinals and than the Semifinals and Final.
Team schedule
New Zealand
South Africa
Sri Lanka
West Indies

ipl 2016 schedule,ipl schedule 2016,IPL 2016 Live Stream,IPL schedule2016,ipl live score 2016,ipl live match score 2016,ipl live streaming2016

ipl 2016 schedule,ipl schedule 2016,IPL 2016 Live Stream,IPL schedule2016,ipl live score 2016,ipl live match score 2016,ipl live streaming2016
The IPL is a Twenty20 cricket tournament which was inaugurated in 2008. Twenty20 cricket was first introduced at a competitive level by the England and Wales cricket board in 2003 but the Indian Premier League is largely credited with being the institution that projected the format of the game onto the world stage.

The Indian Premier League was initiated by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and has been an enormous success. The annual tournament, played in the months of April and May has gone from strength to strength and is largely viewed as being the 'richest' tournament in world cricket.

There are the eight franchises that field teams to play in the IPL (in brackets original cost of franchise in $/million):ipl 2016 schedule,ipl schedule 2016,IPL 2016 Live Stream,IPL schedule2016,ipl live score 2016,ipl live match score 2016,ipl live streaming2016

  • Chennai Super Kings, CSK (91)

  • Delhi Daredevils, DD (84)

  • Kings XI Punjab, KXIP (76)

  • Kolkata Knight Riders, KKR (75.1)

  • Mumbai Indians, MI (111.9)

  • Rajasthan Royals, RR (67)

  • Royal Challengers Bangalore, RCB (111.6)

  • Sunrisers Hyderbad, SRH (159)

The following two teams have played in the IPL but due to financial constraints have ceased to exist:

  • Kochi Tuskers Kerala, KTK (333)

  • Deccan Chargers, DC (107)

  • Pune Warriors India, PWI (370)

The tournament has been won by five different teams:

  • 2008 Final: Chennai Super Kings vs Rajasthan Royals; Winner: Rajasthan Royals

  • 2009 Final: Deccan Chargers vs Royal Challengers Bangalore; Winner: Deccan Chargers

  • 2010 Final: Mumbai Indians vs Chennai Super Kings; Winner: Chennai Super Kings

  • 2011 Final: Chennai Super Kings vs Royal Challengers Bangalore; Winner: Chennai Super Kings

  • 2016 Final: Chennai Super Kings vs Kolkata Knight Riders; Winner: Kolkata Knight Riders

  • 2016 Final: Mumbai Indians vs Chennai Super Kings ; Winner : Mumbai Indians

As evident from above, the Chennai Super Kings are the most successful side in the history of the IPL, being winner twice and reaching in final three times.ipl 2016 schedule,ipl schedule 2016,IPL 2016 Live Stream,IPL schedule2016,ipl live score 2016,ipl live match score 2016,ipl live streaming2016

MAT Admit Card 2016,MAT Hall ticket 2016,AIMA MAT Admit Card 2016,MAT Online Admit Card 2016,MAT Admit Card 2016 Download

MAT Admit Card 2016: Dear applicants we are glad to inform that Admit Card May 2016 Exam of MAT is available to download.
Management Aptitude Test is generally known as MAT. MAT is conducted every year by All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi to get the admission in all possible management courses.

There are two mode of this exam for MAT May 2016 which are-

Paper-Based Test
Computer Based Test

The test is executed at all India level. To appear in examination candidates are required of Admit Card. So here we are providing you the prominent information for MAT hall Ticket 2016.

MAT Admit card 2016 for the MAT exam to be held can be downloaded now by following simple process.

MAT is the most important test for those who want higher education in management as almost all the institutes which provide management degree consider MAT scorecard for giving admission to their respective colleges.

How to download MAT Admit Card 2016: Input the below given steps to get your MAT Admit Card 2016 easily:

Visit the official website of AIMA which is
Input required information in any two boxes among three.
Such as name, form no. & date of birth.
Finally select submit button
Keep this card safe till exam.

MAT Preparation

It is necessary to bring the Admit Card with you while coming for examination.

MBA Selection Process
All India Management Association conduct management aptitude test for the individuals. Individuals can apply through both ways offline and online mode both. The test will be of duration of 150 minutes.

Applied candidates can download their admit card from their official site by following the link to the admit card.

Candidates have applied both in offline and online mode.

For the candidates applied in offline mode will have to download from the site.

For the candidates applied in online mode has to download their admit card from their official site.

All Individual has to bring any verification ID at the time of examination or may not be allowed to enter in the examination hall such as PAN card, Voter ID card, Driving License, Employee Card etc.

Please log on to site by your application number, birth date to download the hall ticket.

Please paste your passport size photograph on the hall ticket if not present.

Please bring your hall ticket to have a seat in the examination hall otherwise in case of missing of hall ticket may not be allowed to write the exam.

Please read the instructions carefully before filling the OMR sheet given to the candidates at the time of examination.

Seeking for AIMA MAT Admit Card 2016 . Discover more on Aptitude Test 2016, Found more on Management test 2016AIMA MAT Admit Card 2016, Aptitude test 2016, Aptitude test hall ticket 2016, admit card for Aptitude test 2016, hall ticket for aptitude test 2016 AIMA admitcard 2016, MAT admit card 2016
AIMA MAT Admit Card 2016 :
All India Management Association AIMA announced the admit card very recently. The admit card is available for all candidates who are going to write this exam in few days.

Click Here to get your Admit Card: Link 1

Candidates who are looking for this admit card can download it from the url given Above. All you need to do is just follow the link given and you will be taken to a site where you have to enter your roll number. After finishing, you can download your admit card.
MAT Admit Card 2016,MAT Hall ticket 2016,AIMA MAT Admit Card 2016,MAT Online Admit Card 2016,MAT Admit Card 2016 Download

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Ahmedabad University Results 2016,Ahmedabad University BA,BCom,MBA,MCA,BTech Results 2016,Ahmedabad University exam Hall ticket 2016,Ahmedabad University admit card 2016,Ahmedabad University date sheet 2016,

Ahmedabad University Results 2016 BA BCom MBA MCA BTech
Ahmedabad University Results 2016 BA BCom MBA MCA BTech : 1. Hey everyone. Ahmedabad University has published its university examination results 2016 on its official website . So all the students who are eagerly looking for Ahmedabad University BA, BSc, BCom, MA, MSC, MCom, MBA, BCA, BBA, BEd, UG, PG Exam Results 2016 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd ,4th 5th, 6th Semester / year wise exam results can check their results on the official webpage . You can even find the results on our webpage, we have published link where you can check your results.

2. About Ahmedabad University

Ahmedabad University was started in the year 2009 and is situated at Ahmedabad in Gujarat. Global education at local cost, context and ethos is the major philosophy on which the university runs.

3. Ahmedabad University results 2016 -
4. Ahmedabad University Postal Address and contact details

Ahmedabad University, AES Bungalow # 2, Commerce Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009, Gujarat, INDIA.

Telephone - +91-79-40044161, 40044163

FAX - +91-79-26560359

E-mail -
If you want to receive all latest updates about Ahmedabad University time table / date sheet 2016,Ahmedabad University exam Hall ticket / admit card 2016.
Ahmedabad University Results 2016,Ahmedabad University BA,BCom,MBA,MCA,BTech Results 2016,Ahmedabad University exam Hall ticket 2016,Ahmedabad University admit card 2016,Ahmedabad University date sheet 2016,

R K University Results 2016,R K University time table / date sheet 2016,R K University exam Hall ticket 2016,RK University Results 2016,R K University Admission 2016,rku results 2016,

RK University Results 2016 Rajkot BTech MBA MCA BBA BCA MSc 1st 2nd 3rd Year : 1.Hello everyone, R K University Results 2016 of B.Tech, MBA, MCA, BBA, BCA, MSC for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Exam Results 2016 are on its official webpage . So, all the students who have appeared for those exams can check their results online on the official webpage or on our website. Click on the results page, enter your roll number in the space provided and download your results. You an even check your results and compare your marks using our webpage also.History of R K University

R K University was established in 2011 at Rajkot, Gujarat. This University offers courses in various disciplines such as Engineering, Pharmacy, Science, Diploma studies, Computer science, Management, Physiotherapy etc. RK University has 300 well qualified and experienced faculties in its 40 acres campus.

R K University Results 2016 | Rajkot BTech MBA MCA BBA BCA MSc 1st 2nd 3rd Year resultsR K University results 2016 - or R K University Postal Address and contact details

RK University

Bhavnagar Highway,

Kasturbadham Rajkot - 360020

(Gujarat- India).

Phone : +91-9909952030/31

Email :

Web :,If you want to receive all latest updates about R K University time table / date sheet 2016, R K University exam Hall ticket 2016, R K University study material

Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Results 2016,Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Admission 2016, - Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Exam Results 2016 , Shree Somnath Sanskrit University UG, PG Results 2016 iof Regular & Supplementary, Date sheet 2016

Results notification about Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Exam 2016 :

Dear visitors we are here to give you latest information on Shree Somnath Sanskrit University from our resources we came to know that university has announced with publishing university examination results 2016, So waiting is over for the students who are looking for the results. Results have been declared online by university itself at their official website all of the appeared students can check and compare their examination marks with the help of this one top educational portal or also by visiting university’s official website.

Indian Results Page is always here with you and for your any exams results or educational related queries; you can leave comment down below to give us a chance to provide better.

About University :

Shree Somnath Sanskrit University was established in year 2005 . It is very well reputed university in all over India, basically this university is situated at Junagadh, Gujarat. University made its own good will from its highly qualified and cooperative faculty staff. Even facilities given to the students here play a vital role in making excellent Infrastructure which makes it finest amongst all. Every year thousands of students rely on this university for putting their future on right track.

Check your results here => Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Results 2016

Saurashtra University Results 2016,Saurashtra University Admission 2016,Saurashtra University BA B.Com & B.Sc Results 2016,Saurashtra University F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A Results 2016,

The results of various Under Graduate as well as Post Graduate courses are to be released through the official site of the Saurashtra University result. These results are going to be released soon by the officials. There are so many candidates who have attended their examination from Saurashtra University result, and all of them are waiting for their results. So all the candidates keep on checking the official site of the Saurashtra University result.

The examinations of various departments have been conducted before couple of months and all those candidates are waiting for their results. The result will be published through the official site of the university. The examinations of various years, First Year B.A, Second Year B.A and Third Year B.A are going to be released soon at Thousands of candidates have attended these examinations and all are waiting for their Saurashtra University result.

All those candidates who have attended any of these examinations (F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A), are requested to check their results whenever they are available. So candidates should keep on checking their result, so that they can get to know their results, as the result has been published. After the declaration of these results, all those candidates of First Year and Second Year will get admission into further year and the candidates of the Third Year will get admission in their further studies.Saurashtra University is a one of the most famous university in the Saurashtra region. It was established on 23rd May 1967 situated at Rajkot district of the Saurashtra region of Gujarat State. The Saurashtra University campus is spread over 400 acres of land. The head quarter at Rajkot. It has distinctly fortunate to avail of the education and academic experience of various distinguished educationists, beginning with the late Professor Dolarrai Mankad, the founder Vice Chancellor of the University.
Saurashtra University has 82 Post Graduate Departments in this campus. More than 523 affiliated various colleges affiliated with Saurashtra University. Saurashtra University provides various courses also to their students.
Saurashtra University is one among the standard University of Gujarat state which provides all types of studies in its campus. It is NAAC approved B Grade University
Saurashtra University will be declare the B.Com, BA, B.Sc Results 2016. The Results will declare the online by the Saurashtra University on its official website

The results of all these courses will be published through the official site. The Link to the Official Site is given below, Just click on the link below and by entering the Examination Name and Seat Number, candidates can get their result. The result will now be released any time, so all the candidates are requested to check the official site of the Saurashtra University result at

Saurashtra University Results 2016,Saurashtra University Admission 2016,Saurashtra University BA B.Com & B.Sc Results 2016,Saurashtra University F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A Results 2016,

SDAU Results 2016,SDAU Recruitment 2016,Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University Results 2016,SDAU Admission 2016,

Dear Students, from our latest resources we came to know that Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University has announced university’s examination results. Results are available at their official website at the students who appeared in the examination can check and see their exams results with the help of this education portal or also by visiting university’s official website.
Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University is widely known for its highly qualified faculty staff and exquisite infrastructure. Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University is a State university and it was established in 1941 year. University is situated at Palanpur in Gujarat State. Every year thousands of students join respective courses offered by the university with the believe of putting their future into right hands to make career brighter.

We also would like to put some light on the courses offered by this university as follows:-

Science Courses

Course Name

B.Sc. (Home Science & Nutrition)

B.Sc. (Home Science)

B.Sc. (Organisation and Management of early childhood programmes)

B.V.Sc. & A.H.

M.Sc. (Biochemistry)

M.Sc. (Extension Education)

M.Sc. (Home Science)

M.Sc. (Meteorology)

M.Sc. (Plant Physiology & Ecology)

Ph.D. (Home Science)


Management Courses

Course Name

B.Sc. (Institutional House Keeping )


Mass Communications Courses

Course Name

Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (B.J.M.C.)


Agriculture Science and Technology Courses

Course Name

B.Sc. (Agricultural Economics & Farm management)

B.Sc. (Agriculture)

B.Sc. (Crop Physiology)

B.Sc. (Plant Pathology)

B.Sc. (Plant Science)

B.Sc. (Post Harvest Technology)

B.Sc. (Rural Agricultural Work Experience)

M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics)

M.Sc. (Agricultural Entomology)

M.Sc. (Agricultural Statistics)

M.Sc. (Agronomy)

M.Sc. (Genetics and Plant Breeding)

M.Sc. (Horticulture)

M.Sc. (Nematology)

M.Sc. (Plant Pathology)

M.Sc. (Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry)

M.Sc. (Soil Science and Water Management)

Diploma in Food and Dairy Technology (FDT)

Certificate in Agriculture Science


Fashion and Interior Designing Courses

Course Name

B.Sc. (Interior Design)

B.Sc. (Textile Design)

B.Sc. (Textiles and Apparel Designing)

SDAU Results 2016,SDAU Recruitment 2016,Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University Results 2016,SDAU Admission 2016,

SPU Results 2016,SPU Gujarat Results 2016,Sardar Patel University Results 2016,sardar patel university admission 2016,sardar patel university result 2016,

SPU Gujarat Results 2016,Sardar Patel University Results 2016,sardar patel university admission 2016,sardar patel university result 2016,

Sardar Patel University recently announced results are B.A. IV Sem, B.Com IV Sem, M.A IV, M.Sc.(Chemistry) Ist and M.Sc.(Chemistry) IInd Sem Examination results 2016. Sardar Patel University (SPU) is one of the most popular oldest university of Gujarat it's located in the Vallabh Vidyanagar City in Gujarat State. The First and only University in Gujarat to have the distinction of being recognized as a Center of excellence in Applied Polymers by the UGC amongst 17 Universities out of 324 University at that time of India.

SPU already declare many course result in this June month on SPU website Students Can Check your Results of Various UG/PG Course right now.

Faculties of Sardar Patel University :

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Home Science

Faculty of Business Studies

Faculty of Management Studies

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Homeopathy

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

How to Check Sardar Patel University Result 2016 :

1. First of Students go the official website

2. Select the particular course for which you want to see the result.

3. Students Enter the year and Roll Number.

4. Click on the submit button.

5. Now wait for few seconds the result will display on your screen.

6. Take the hardcopy of the result for future use.

Sardar Patel University Gujarat Results of BA, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Ed, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Wise result 2016 and - as we know there are lots of Students are studying in B.A, B.Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, M.Ed and they all are waiting for the result of 1st, 2nd, 3rd year wise of 2016. We want to inform all The Students those are studying in Sardar Patel University will soon announced the result 2016 for all the given courses.
Click Here to get Sardar Patel University Result 2016
We wish you Good luck for Results !!!
Labels: BA/B.Sc/B.Com Result 2016, Sardar Patel University Result 2016, SPU BA Result 2016, SPU Results 2016, University results 2016,

Maharaja Sayajirao University Results 2016,MSU Baroda Results 2016,MSU Baroda BA, B.Com, B.Sc & B.Ed Results 2016,MSU Admission 2016,

Maharaja Sayajirao University Results 2016,MSU Baroda Results 2016,MSU Baroda BA, B.Com, B.Sc & B.Ed Results 2016,MSU Admission 2016, Sayajirao University of Baroda Exam Results 2016, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda BA, BSC, BCom, BEd, MA, MSc results 2016, MSU UG, PG Exam 2016 , MSU Supplementary Exam Results 2016
Results declaration on MSU Exam 2016 :
MSU Exam Results
Dear visitors we are here to give you latest information on Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda from our resources we came to know that university has announced with publishing university examination results 2016, So waiting is over for the students who are looking for the results. MSU BA, BSC, BCom, MA, MSC, MCom, B.Ed Under Graduation , Post graduation course exam results have been declared online by university itself at their official website all of the appeared students can check and compare their examination marks with the help of this one top educational portal or also by visiting university’s official website.

Indian Results Page is always here with you and for your any exams results or educational related queries; you can leave comment down below to give us a chance to provide better.
University Campus :
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda was established in year 1949 . It is very well reputed university in all over India, basically this university is situated at Baroda, Gujarat. University made its own good will from its highly qualified and cooperative faculty staff. Even facilities given to the students here play a vital role in making excellent Infrastructure which makes it finest amongst all. Every year thousands of students rely on this university for putting their future on right track.

Results download link => Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Results 2016

KSKVK University Results 2016,kskv digital university results 2016,Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University Results 2016,KSKVK University Admission 2016,KSKVK University Results 2016,

KSKVK University Results 2016,kskv digital university results 2016,Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University Results 2016,KSKVK University Admission 2016,KSKVK University Results 2016Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University Results 2016 is expected to be declared on last week of November 2016. Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University result 2016 will announced soon.
KSKVKU results 2016 can be checked at:
Students may check Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University results 2016 at: Corresponding Colleges or Institute or in KSKVKU itself.
You may check Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University Result 2016 at online / website also by entering your registration number.
Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University Result 2016 (Online) - You can get your results through online KSKVKU official website.
KSKVKU Result 2016 (Offline) (College/University) - you can also get your Mark sheet from your corresponding colleges. All colleges under Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University published selected probational merit list on college notice board along with exam candidate Name, Roll Number, Registration Number, Score/Marks.
Departments of KSKVKU:-
• KSKVKU Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Result 2016
• KSKVKU Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) Result 2016
• KSKVKU Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Result 2016
• KSKVKU Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.) Result 2016
• KSKVKU Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Result 2016
• KSKVKU B.Ed. Result 2016
• KSKVKU LL.B. Result 2016
• KSKVKU B.S.W. Result 2016
• B.Journalism.
• B.P.Ed.
• B.Ed. (Special)
• B.Sc. in Nursing
• Master of Arts (M.A.)
• Master of Commerce(M.Com.)
• Master of Science (M.Sc.)
• Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)
• Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.)
• M.Sc. in Computer Application & Information Technology (CA & IT)
• Master in Public Administration (M.P.A.)
• Master in Education (M.Ed.)
• Master in Philosophy (M.Phil.)
• Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery (M.B.B.S.)
• Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.)
• Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)
• B.Pharm.

About of KSKVKU:-
Education is the basic requirement for the development of any region. The Govt. of Gujarat has taken a commendable decision to provide a separate University for the region of Kachchh to fulfill the demand of the people of Kachchh. The Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University Act was published in the Govt. Gazette in March 2003.
Official Address of KSKVKU:-
Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University
Mundra Road
Bhuj – Kachchh – Gujarat – India
Email : ,
Web :,
Fax : 02832 – 235012/11

HNGU Results 2016,HNGU BA, B.Com, M.A Results 2016 Declared,Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University Results 2016,North Gujarat University admission 2016,North Gujarat University Results 2016,

Candidates are going to see the North Gujarat University Result 2016 settled inside or footer of main website then error message seems, so we've offer direct link to avoid the such warnings and useless efforts. Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan has simply going to declare the Results 2016 for BA, B.Com, B.Sc, BBA, BCA, MA and different college on

Hemchandracharya University conjointly known as NGU was based in 1986 covering the four districts like Mehsana, Patan, Banaskantha and Sabarkantha that is among the highest five institute in Gujarat and having over 55000 students. Get North Gujarat University Result 2016.
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University is a public university in Patan, Gujarat, India. The geographical jurisdiction of the North Gujarat University encompasses four districts: Mehsana, Patan, Banaskantha and Sabarkantha. It is NACC ‘B’ accredited state university. Hemchandra Charya North Gujrat University had released the results of B.Sc Sem IV Exam 2016 . All results of Hemchandra Charya North Gujrat University are available online at official website. All Students can check results online at official website. To check Hemchandra Charya North Gujrat University B.Sc Sem IV Exam Results 2016 , please visit at official website or click at below link :
Hemchandra Charya North Gujrat University B.Sc Sem IV Exam Results 2016
Hemchandra Charya North Gujrat University B.Sc. SEM.-II Exam Results 2016
Note: Please subscribe at our website to get Latest Results news and also share this post with your friends by clicking on the buttons below if you find this post useful. Please Verify Email in Your Inbox after Submit.HNGU Results 2016,HNGU BA, B.Com, M.A Results 2016 Declared,Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University Results 2016,North Gujarat University admission 2016,North Gujarat University Results 2016,

GNLU Results 2016,Gujarat National Law University Results 2016,gujarat national law university entrance test results 2016,Gujarat National Law University Admission 2016,

GNLU Results 2016,Gujarat National Law University Results 2016,gujarat national law university entrance test results 2016,Gujarat National Law University Admission 2016,
About Gujarat National Law University

Gujarat National Law University is the statutory university established by the Govt. of Gujarat National Law University. The University is recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and University Grants Commission (UGC). The University is also member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and the University is functioning as nodal agency to uplift the legal education in the State of Gujarat. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses with spcialization in Law. The university also offers doctoral course.

College FacilitiesGujarat National Law University (GNLU) was created in 2003 by the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. It released its notification for the first year of instruction for its three 5 year integrated courses, BA LLB, BSc LLB and BCom LLB.. 15% reservation for SC, 7.5% for ST and 10% for residents of Gujarat. In all, there are 160 students, 80 in a section.

Eligibility - 50% in 10+2 examination or its equivalent. Those appearing for the 2008 March/April exam are also eligible. The age limit is below 20 years as on July 1 of the year of admission. The age limit for SC/ST students is 22 years.

Entrance Test - Admission will now be based on the student’s rank in the Common Entrance Test for the National Law Schools, and his/her preference.

An atmosphere of community living prevails in the University. GNLU is a residential University with separate boarding for boys and girls, with a common dining hall. The University has facilities necessary for academic and extra-curricular pursuits. The academic and hostel blocks are Wi-Fi enabled giving the students an opportunity to access various online legal and non-legal databases. GNLU also has a fully equipped computer lab, science laboratory for those pursuing a course in B.Sc. LLB (Hons.) and a library replete with books covering over 400 subjects. The excellent sports and fitness facilities on the campus ensure that students can remain fit and healthy to take on the strenuous academic challenges.
NoneNoneNoneGNLU Results 2016,Gujarat National Law University Results 2016,gujarat national law university entrance test results 2016,Gujarat National Law University Admission 2016,

GFSU Results 2016,Gujarat Forensic Sciences University Results 2016,gfsu admission 2016,gujarat forensic science university recruitment 2016,

Gujarat Forensic Sciences University (GFSU), Gandhinagar was established in 2008 by the government of Gujarat, under the flagship of home department government of Gujarat state. It is the only university across the world, dedicated to Forensic and Investigative Science. The University started functioning, received recognition by the 'University Grants Commission'; as a State University.

The University is segregated into three academic departments, namely: Institute of Forensic Science, Institute of Behavioural Science and Institute of Research & Development. It currently offers only postgraduate level academic programs.

The University runs in parallel association with the Directorate of Forensic Science (DFS)-Gujarat State, to provide hands-on training. DFS - Gujarat State is a state-of-the-art; NABL accredited; ISO-IEC 17025:2005 certified laboratory, maintaining international standards in terms of infrastructure and facilities for Forensic analysis.
Campus of Gujarat Forensic Sciences University -

The university is located at Gandhinagar-the capital city of the state of Gujarat, which is a vibrant; industrious; safe and business friendly State of India.

Facilities at Gujarat Forensic Sciences University -


  • Library

  • Classrooms

  • Laboratories

  • Hostel/Guest House

  • Cafeteria

  • Transportation

  • Auditorium

  • Lecture Theatres

  • Internet Facilities

Institutes at Gujarat Forensic Sciences University -


  • Institute of Forensic Science

  • Institute of Behavioral Science

  • Institute of Research & Development

Placements at Gujarat Forensic Sciences University -

The university provides 100% placement assistance and has created a fully fledged placements & career guidance cell, which works rigorously throughout the year, arranging placements for its students, in various organizations around the world.GFSU Results 2016,Gujarat Forensic Sciences University Results 2016,gfsu admission 2016,gujarat forensic science university recruitment 2016,

Friday, 20 November 2015

Gujarat Ayurved University Results 2016,gujarat ayurved university admission 2016,gujarat ayurved university recruitment 2016,gujarat ayurved university jamnagar results 2016,

Gujarat Ayurved University Exam Results 2016, Gujarat Ayurved University UG, PG , Entrance Exam Results 2016 at,Gujarat Ayurved University Supplementary Exam Results 2016

Results updates on Gujarat Ayurved University Exam 2016 :

Gujarat Ayurved University Results

Dear visitors we are here to give you latest information on Gujarat Ayurved University from our resources we came to know that university has announced with publishing university examination results 2016, So waiting is over for the students who are looking for the results. Gujarat Ayurved University Under Graduation , post graduation, Entrance Exam, Supplementary Exam Results have been declared online by university itself at their official website all of the appeared students can check and compare their examination marks with the help of this one top educational portal or also by visiting university’s official website.


Indian Results Page is always here with you and for your any exams results or educational related queries; you can leave comment down below to give us a chance to provide better.

University Campus Details :

Gujarat Ayurved University was established in year 1966 . It is very well reputed university in all over India, basically this university is situated at Jamnagar, Gujarat. University made its own good will from its highly qualified and cooperative faculty staff. Even facilities given to the students here play a vital role in making excellent Infrastructure which makes it finest amongst all. Every year thousands of students rely on this university for putting their future on right track.


Results check link => Gujarat Ayurved University Results 2016
Gujarat Ayurved University Results 2016,gujarat ayurved university admission 2016,gujarat ayurved university recruitment 2016,gujarat ayurved university jamnagar results 2016,

baou exam results 2016,Dr BAOU Results 2016,baou phd results 2016,Dr BAOU Results 2016,baou b.ed entrance exam results 2016,Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Results 2016,BAOU B. Ed Results 2016,

baou exam results 2016,Dr BAOU Results 2016,baou phd results 2016,Dr BAOU Results 2016,baou b.ed entrance exam results 2016,Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Results 2016,BAOU B. Ed Results 2016, Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University is a University providing Distance Education Located in Gujarat State of India. The university has more than 250 study centers. The university offers 38 programmes for UG and PG Courses in various Streams and Disciplines like Humanities & Social Sciences , Commerce and Management , Computer Science and many others.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Exams Results 2016

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Exams Results of Undergraduate and Post Graduate Courses of Year 2016 , Check Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Results and Exams Notification of various courses . For more Details regarding exams of University refer to official website ( Ambedkar Open University Hyderabad Recently declare UG THIRD YEAR EXAM RESULT MAY-2016 on 23th June, 2016 it's Official Portal Other UG Results of BRAOU will be declare very Soon on Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University Examination Results Portal. Further details information of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University Result 2016 is mention below.

About University : Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), formerly known as Andhra Pradesh Open University, is located in the city of Hyderabad With a wide network of 206 study centers spread throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh, the University has for its motto "Education at Your Doorstep". The University, the first of its kind in the Country was brought into being through an act of Andhra Pradesh State Legislature in August,1982.

How to Check BRAOU Results 2016 :
1. First of Students go the official website
2. Select the particular course for which you want to see the result.
3. Students Enter the year and Roll Number.
4. Click on the submit button.
5. Now wait for few seconds the result will display on your screen.
6. Take the hardcopy of the result for future use.

Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University Results of BA, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Ed, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Wise result 2016 and - as we know there are lots of Students are studying in B.A, B.Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, M.Ed and they all are waiting for the result of 1st, 2nd, 3rd year wise of 2016. We want to inform all The Students those are studying in BRAOU will soon announced the result 2016 for all the given courses.

Click here to get BRAOU Result 2016.

CEPT University Results 2016,CEPT University time table 2016,CEPT Admission 2016‎,CEPT Recruitment 2016,CEPT University Exam Result 2016,

CEPT University Results 2016,CEPT University time table 2016,CEPT Admission 2016‎,CEPT Recruitment 2016,CEPT University Exam Result 2016,
CEPT University Results 2016 UG, PG : 1. Dear visitors. CEPT University has published its university examination results 2016 on its official website . So all the students who have appeared for CEPT University UG and PG Exams 2016 can check their results on the official webpage . On our website we have published link where you can check your results.

2. About CEPT University :
CEPT University was established in the year 1962 at Ahmedabad in Gujarat. this university is recognized. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) of the Government of India as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO).

3. CEPT University results 2016 - or
CEPT University Results 2016 | UG, PG
4. CEPT University Postal Address and contact details official website -
CEPT University, Kasturbhai Lalbhai Campus, University Road Ahmedabad - 380009, Gujarat, India. Phone: 0091-79-26302470 / 26302740, Fax: 0091-79-26302075, Email :
CEPT University, Ahmedabad has been declared UG, PG Entrance Exam Results.

The Dharmsinh Desai University announced UG, PG Entrance Exam Results 2016. Candidates can check their examination results online using by their roll number or exam symbol. Candidates can download their examination results from official website:
University Name: CEPT University
Address: Ahmedabad,Gujarat
Result Url: Click Here
CEPT University Results 2016,CEPT University time table 2016,CEPT Admission 2016‎,CEPT Recruitment 2016,CEPT University Exam Result 2016,

Anand Agricultural University Results 2016,AAU Results 2016,anand agricultural university admission 2016,anand agricultural university recruitment 2016,

Anand Agricultural University Results 2016,AAU Results 2016,anand agricultural university admission 2016,anand agricultural university recruitment 2016,

Anand Agricultural University (AAU), Anand was established in 2004 with the support of the Government of Gujarat. Caved out of the erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU), the dream institution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr. K.M.Munshi, the AAU was set up to provide support to the farming community in three facets namely education, research and extension activities in Agriculture, Horticulture Engineering, product Processing and Home Science. At Present there three colleges, seventeen research centers and six extension education institute working in six districts of Gujrat namely Ahmedabad, Anand, Dahod, Kheda,Panchmahal and Voadodra.

The goal of the university is to promote the integration of teaching, research and extension training with a view to promot the productivity in agriculture by serving as a premier educational and research organization in the fields of agriculture and allied sciences in the State of Gujarat. It is also the goal of the university to produce graduate and post graduate students of very high quality capable of meeting growing needs of the society in cutting edge technology and the farming community. Not declared fit to receive Central/UGC assistance under Section 12 (B) of the UGC Act-1956.

Objectives :-

Impart relevant education to the students in agriculture and allied fields.
Conducts research in order toimprove the productivity of rural areas
Undertake basic research to make break through in newer areas areas of knowledge
Provides oppertunity to observe and understand the live of rural people
Enable the students to inculate the attitutes and develop skill relevant for grass-root work.

Contact Anand Agricultural University

Name: Anand Agricultural University

Location: Anand Agricultural University,
Anand, Gujarat, India

Contact No: 02692 - 261310

Anand Agricultural University Results 2016,AAU Results 2016,anand agricultural university admission 2016,anand agricultural university recruitment 2016,


GPSC results 2016,Goa PSC Results 2016,Goa Public Service Commission Results 2016,

GPSC results 2016,Goa PSC Results 2016,Goa Public Service Commission Results 2016, Public Service Commission (GPSC) Candidates recently attend their Translator, Asst Professor, Law Officer, HOD, Principal, Inspector of Motor Vehicles etc. Exam 2016. Recently GPSC Exam Results 2016 are announced, hope every one are Happy about that. Now the topic is about GPSC Exam Results 2016.

Coming to the topic, for now there is no official announcement about GPSC Exam Results 2016. As this year, Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) delayed announcing Results.

GPSC Translator, Asst Professor, Law Officer, HOD, Principal, Inspector of Motor Vehicles etc. Results 2016 will be declared Today. Candidates can check their results on the same official GPSC website If you face any problem in Getting your GPSC Results, then follow the steps below.

Visit GPSC official website
Select Exam 2016
Enter your Hall Ticket Number and Date of Birth
Press Submit!
Then Press Print button to get a Print of your Exam Results Page
This year Also GPSC Result 2016 will be published in online through So Students need to wait two weeks more to get their Translator, Asst Professor, Law Officer, HOD, Principal, Inspector of Motor Vehicles etc. Results 2016.

GPSC Exam Results 2016 declared Today

Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) will declares Exam Results 2016 and it will publish these results on Official website Candidates can check their GPSC Exam Results at If you have any problem in getting your results from GPSC website, just drop a comment below.

Goa Police Recruitment 2016,Goa Police Recruitment 2016 Application Form Download,Goa Police Recruitment Apply Online 2016,

Welcome to Goa Police Recruitment 2016 Section. Here you will find Job Vacancies in Goa Police for Constable and Sub Inspector.

Goa Police progression from a force to a service has been its most noteworthy feature. The force has laid outmost priority on maintaining professionalism within the parameters of the law with outmost transparency. Goa Police has also set a noteworthy example of commitment to services even in the most challenging and despondent situation.

Goa Police Recruitment is notified for the posts of

Constable- Though often seen as the lowest link in the police force the role of constable in the force is one which is the most indispensable.

Apart from the elementary function of maintaining law and order the force a constable is also entrusted with other functions.

Sub Inspector- An SI is generally in-charge of few personnel and by law can file charge sheet in court and he is usually the first investigation officer.

Age Limit: Candidates age must not exceed 40 years as on 15-02-2016. Age Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must possess Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent, Computer Literate, Speed of 100 words per minute in Short Hand and 35 words per minute in typewriting, for Stenographer, LDC posts, Should be literate for Dhobi, Mess Servant, Sweeper posts, IV Standard or equivalent for Barber posts, VIII Standard pass for Cook post along with Knowledge of Konkani for all the posts.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Practical Test and Interview.

How to Apply: Candidates have to apply in prescribed format available in the Goa Police Department website or can be obtained from Goa Police Welfare Cell, Administrative Block, GRP Camp, Near Jogger’s Park, Altinho, Panaji, which can be collected between 09.30 hrs. – 17.30 hrs. on all working days on payment of Rs.20/- per one application form. Fill the application and send it to the Office of the Superintendent of Police, Police Headquarters, Near Azad Maidan, Panaji

Read more: Goa Police Recruitment 2016Goa Police Recruitment 2016,Goa Police Recruitment 2016 Application Form Download,Goa Police Recruitment Apply Online 2016,

Goa Police Admit Card 2016,Goa Police Answer key 2016,Goa Police Call letter 2016 Download,Goa Panaji Police Constable Admit Card 2016,Goa Police hall ticket 2016,

Goa Police Admit Card 2016,Goa Police Answer key 2016,Goa Police Call letter 2016 Download,Goa Panaji Police Constable Admit Card 2016,Goa Police hall ticket 2016, Police Recruitment 2016 Admit Card Goa Police Recruitment 2016 Admit Card @

Goa Police Recruitment 2016 Details | Recruitment Application GOA 2016 | Important Dates Goa recruitment of the police | - Goa Police Recruitment Notification / Vacancies / Puestos 2016 | Goa Police Recruitment Notification 2016 | Goa police exam 2016 | Goa recruitment the police it exam results 2016. Goa police agents / Sub Inspector / Driver Vacancy 2016.

All nosotros Goa police take it commitment that we are going to dejar no esfuerzo hacer Goa a safe tourist destination y Limpias y el Free State bad peaceful and crime makes to live. Read that all mis colleagues successfully in Goa Police.

Click hear
About Azad Maidan
Panaji - Goa, India
PIN: 403 001

N. No telephone: + 91 - 832 - 2428267-69, 2428486-87
Email ID:
Director General of the Police, Goa dgpgoa [at]
Inspector General of the police Goa igpgoa [at]

Goa Police Admit Card 2016,Goa Police Answer key 2016,Goa Police Call letter 2016 Download,Goa Panaji Police Constable Admit Card 2016,Goa Police hall ticket 2016,

Thursday, 19 November 2015

goa university revaluation results 2016,,University of Goa Results 2016,goa university results semester 2016,Goa University MA,MBA,MCA Results 2016

University of Goa Result 2016 – BA, BCom, BSC, BBA, BCA, MA, MCom, MSC, MBA, MCA

The University of Goa (mostly known as Goa University) is located in the city of Taleigao Plateau, Goa, India. It is an Indian Central University. The University is well known and reputed University in India. The University was established in the month of June 1985 under the Goa University Act. This University is merged with the University of Mumbai which also was located in Goa. Goa University currently awards with the four stars by the National Accreditation and Assessment Council. The University was recognized by the University Grant Commission.

The University provides higher education for the bright feature of the students with all the facilities in research and technical background. The University made its own good and highly qualified and cooperative faculty staff. Every year thousands of students to take the admission in under graduation and post graduation degree courses for putting their future on right track. The Goa University offers Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies and research programs.

Goa University will be going announce B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Tech, BBA, BCA, B.Ed, M.A, M.Com, M.Sc, M.Tech, MBA, MCA, M.Ed Annual 1st 2nd 3rd year / Semester wise exam results 2016 online at their main official website. Students who had appeared in Goa University annual examination 2016, they can search their result through online from its main official website at Students can search their results used by roll number, which was provided by Goa University given for annual exam.

Goa University BA Result 2016 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
Goa University BSc Result 2016 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
Goa University BCom Result 2016 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
Goa University BBA Result 2016 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
Goa University BCA Result 2016 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
Goa University MA Result 2016 – Previous Year/ Final Year,
Goa University MCom Result 2016,
Goa University MSc Result 2016,
Goa University MBA Result 2016,
Goa University MCA Result 2016,
Goa University BTech Result 2016,
Goa University MTech Result 2016
goa university revaluation results 2016,University of Goa Results 2016,goa university results semester 2016,Goa University MA,MBA,MCA Results 2016

Manabadi AP EAMCET Results 2016,manabadi eamcet results 2016 name wise,Eamcet Results 2016 Marks and Ranks at,

Manabadi AP EAMCET Results 2016,manabadi eamcet results 2016 name wise,Eamcet Results 2016 Marks and Ranks at, ...