WCR Railway Results 2016,West Central Railway WCR Recruitment results 2016,WCR Railway Recruitment Results 2016,West Central Railway Results 2016 at www.wcr.indianrailways.gov.inWCR Railway Results 2016,West Central Railway WCR Recruitment results 2016,WCR Railway Recruitment Results 2016,West Central Railway Results 2016 at www.wcr.indianrailways.gov.inApplications are invited in the enclosed prescribed proforma from the eligible candidates for the recruitment in Group 'C' on West Central Railway against Cultural Quota, who fulfill the following terms and condition. (See item no.4 below)
The lower and upper age limit indicated will be reckoned as on (01-01-2016). The upper age limit is relaxable as under subject to submission of requisite certificate.
By 5 years for SC/ST Candidates.
By 3 years for OBC Candidates.
For Ex-Servicemen up to the extent of service rendered in defense plus 3 years provided they have put in more than 6 months service after attestation.
By 5 years for persons who were ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01/01/1980 to 31/121989.
By 10 years for Physically Handicapped candidates.
For the Serving Group 'D' Railway Staff and casual laborers /substitutes, the relaxation in upper age limits will be upto 40 years for unreserved candidates, 45 years for SC/ST candidates and 43 years for OBC candidates, provided they have put in minimum of 3 years service(continuous or in broken) spells. For those working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens, Co-operative Societies and Institutes, the relaxation in upper age limits will be upto the length of services rendered subject to maximum 5 years.
Upper age limit in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from the husband but not remarried shall be relaxed up to 35 years for Unreserved, 38 years for OBC and 40 years for SC/ST candidates.
4. Cultural Fields in Which Candidates Required:
Instrumental: Tabla
Vocal(Semi Classical): (Male / Female).
The lower and upper age limit indicated will be reckoned as on (01-01-2016). The upper age limit is relaxable as under subject to submission of requisite certificate.
By 5 years for SC/ST Candidates.
By 3 years for OBC Candidates.
For Ex-Servicemen up to the extent of service rendered in defense plus 3 years provided they have put in more than 6 months service after attestation.
By 5 years for persons who were ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01/01/1980 to 31/121989.
By 10 years for Physically Handicapped candidates.
For the Serving Group 'D' Railway Staff and casual laborers /substitutes, the relaxation in upper age limits will be upto 40 years for unreserved candidates, 45 years for SC/ST candidates and 43 years for OBC candidates, provided they have put in minimum of 3 years service(continuous or in broken) spells. For those working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens, Co-operative Societies and Institutes, the relaxation in upper age limits will be upto the length of services rendered subject to maximum 5 years.
Upper age limit in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from the husband but not remarried shall be relaxed up to 35 years for Unreserved, 38 years for OBC and 40 years for SC/ST candidates.
4. Cultural Fields in Which Candidates Required:
Instrumental: Tabla
Vocal(Semi Classical): (Male / Female).
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