Jamia Hamdard University Results 2016,Jamia Hamdard University Revaluation Results 2016,Jamia Hamdard University Time table 2016,Jamia Hamdard University Admissions 2016,www.jamiahamdard.edu
Jamia Hamdard University 2016:
In 1906 Jamia Hamdard University of Delhi was established by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed and he is very well known and capable practitioner of Unani System of Medicine. This university is a recognized university of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
Jamia Hamdard University is to release the Jamia Hamdard Results 2016 for various courses such as B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, B.Ed, M.Sc, M.A, M.Com, M.Ed, M.Phil, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA, Distance Education of supplementary, revaluation and Entrance exam 2016 and now all are waiting for Jamia Hamdard Results 2016 of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Final Year Semester Part 1, 2 & 3. As per our information from Jamia Hamdard, the result is going to be declared soon.
The official website for Jamia Hamdard Results 2016 is jamiahamdard.edu results page & also in other result sites such as resultuniv.in. Students have to enter their Registration number or Roll number, name of the degree in order to get Jamia Hamdard Results 2016. Those who wrote the supplementary or supply exam can also get the results from here and the revaluation results will be available soon in the official website.
Jamia Hamdard has been imparting Graduation and Post Graduation Courses in Part Time (Distance Education), Full Time. The Courses it offers for the students are varied, diversified, operative and efficient so that they can go leaps and bounds in this competitive world.
Click below to Go directly to the Jamia Hamdard Result 2016 :
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Admission Procedure:
In 1998 Jamia Hamdard University is established and it is a deemed university which is established in the major motto of developing skills of students and make them involved in the social welfare activities. This university is working for the society and their main aim is to improve the living standard and moral of the society
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must be an UG degree holder with 50% of minimum marks.
Students those who are in the final year of bachelor degree in BOT (Occupational Therapy) can also take up this examination.
Candidates must cross the minimum age limit of 20 years age and no upper age limit is followed by the university.
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Application Form:
On the month of January candidates can avail application forms directly from the university offices and it can be possible for the candidates to receive the application forms by logging into the official website address www.jamiahamdard.edu.
It can be possible by sending application forms via post and while we send application forms, we have to send the amount also for the postal charges. Totally charges will have to be paid for both application form and for the post.
Candidates can expect to receive their application forms on the December month.
On or before the month of January you can obtain the application forms. It must be filled and submitted on or before the February month.
Usually examinations will be conducted on April month and these dates may get changed every year.
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Examination Pattern:
Generally this examination consists of objective types of questions with multiple choices.
Candidates must try to complete this examination within 120 minutes of duration.
Questions will be asked based on the subjects related to logical reasoning, general awareness and quantitative analysis.
Only candidates those who have cleared this examination will be called for the Group Discussion and for other personal interview.
These rounds will be conducted by the panel member and which is mainly conducted to check the personality of candidates and subject knowledge as well.
Candidates can visit the university website for getting the final merit list.
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Notifications & Important Dates
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Hall ticket: http://www.jamiahamdard.edu/
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Application Form & online Application Form : pending
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Exam date: pending
Late date for submission of Jamia Hamdard University 2016 form: pending
Jamia Hamdard University 2016:
In 1906 Jamia Hamdard University of Delhi was established by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed and he is very well known and capable practitioner of Unani System of Medicine. This university is a recognized university of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
Jamia Hamdard University is to release the Jamia Hamdard Results 2016 for various courses such as B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, B.Ed, M.Sc, M.A, M.Com, M.Ed, M.Phil, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA, Distance Education of supplementary, revaluation and Entrance exam 2016 and now all are waiting for Jamia Hamdard Results 2016 of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Final Year Semester Part 1, 2 & 3. As per our information from Jamia Hamdard, the result is going to be declared soon.
The official website for Jamia Hamdard Results 2016 is jamiahamdard.edu results page & also in other result sites such as resultuniv.in. Students have to enter their Registration number or Roll number, name of the degree in order to get Jamia Hamdard Results 2016. Those who wrote the supplementary or supply exam can also get the results from here and the revaluation results will be available soon in the official website.
Jamia Hamdard has been imparting Graduation and Post Graduation Courses in Part Time (Distance Education), Full Time. The Courses it offers for the students are varied, diversified, operative and efficient so that they can go leaps and bounds in this competitive world.
Click below to Go directly to the Jamia Hamdard Result 2016 :
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Admission Procedure:
In 1998 Jamia Hamdard University is established and it is a deemed university which is established in the major motto of developing skills of students and make them involved in the social welfare activities. This university is working for the society and their main aim is to improve the living standard and moral of the society
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must be an UG degree holder with 50% of minimum marks.
Students those who are in the final year of bachelor degree in BOT (Occupational Therapy) can also take up this examination.
Candidates must cross the minimum age limit of 20 years age and no upper age limit is followed by the university.
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Application Form:
On the month of January candidates can avail application forms directly from the university offices and it can be possible for the candidates to receive the application forms by logging into the official website address www.jamiahamdard.edu.
It can be possible by sending application forms via post and while we send application forms, we have to send the amount also for the postal charges. Totally charges will have to be paid for both application form and for the post.
Candidates can expect to receive their application forms on the December month.
On or before the month of January you can obtain the application forms. It must be filled and submitted on or before the February month.
Usually examinations will be conducted on April month and these dates may get changed every year.
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Examination Pattern:
Generally this examination consists of objective types of questions with multiple choices.
Candidates must try to complete this examination within 120 minutes of duration.
Questions will be asked based on the subjects related to logical reasoning, general awareness and quantitative analysis.
Only candidates those who have cleared this examination will be called for the Group Discussion and for other personal interview.
These rounds will be conducted by the panel member and which is mainly conducted to check the personality of candidates and subject knowledge as well.
Candidates can visit the university website for getting the final merit list.
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Notifications & Important Dates
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Hall ticket: http://www.jamiahamdard.edu/
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Application Form & online Application Form : pending
Jamia Hamdard University 2016 Exam date: pending
Late date for submission of Jamia Hamdard University 2016 form: pending
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