RMS CET 2016 Results,Rashtriya Military School CET Results 2016 Name Wise,RMS CET results 2016,rashtriyamilitaryschools.inRMS CET Result 2016-15 | The Rashtriya Military Schools of India (RMS) will soon released Common Entrance Test (CET) 2016 Admit Card on its official website. The Rashtriya Military School is located at Chail (Himachal Pradesh), Ajmer (Rajasthan), Belgaum (Karnataka), Bangalore (Karnataka) and Dholpur (Rajasthan). The RMS are CBSE affiliated, fully residential public schools. Every year the RMS invite notification for Common Entrance Test (CET). This test conducts for providing admission to class VI & IX. This year also the RMS was announced the notification for RMS CET Online applications 2016Rashtriya Military School Entrance Exam Merit
Rashtriya Military Schools Common Entrance Test Hall Ticket 2016-2016 Download at www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in - RMS CET Admit Card 2016:
RMS CET Admit Card 2016-15 Download RMS CET Hall Ticket: The Rashtriya Military Schools are going to conduct RMS Common Entrance Test 2016-15 on 21st December 2016. The candidates who have already applied for RMS CET 2016-15 Exam, are eligible to appear in Written Examination. The Rashtriya Military Schools will release RMS CET Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2016 on its official website at www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in. The candidates are required to visit the official website for downloading RMS CET Hall Ticket 2016.
RMS CET Admit Card 2016-2016 Download
The Rashtriya Military Schools have released a notification regarding Common Entrance Test 2016-15 on its official website at www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in. The RMS CET Exam is taken for admission purpose in 6th Class (VI) and 9th Class (IX) every year. A large number of candidates have applied for RMS CET 2016-15. The Rashtriya Military Schools have decided to arrange Common Entrance Test 2016-15 for admission in Class VI & IX on 21.12.2016. The candidates are waiting for the Admit Card since the application procedure was over. The RMS C - See more at:
Rashtriya Military Schools were established in 1925 in India along with Chail Military School in Jalandhar and Military College Jhelum in Jhelu. Then in other places like Ajmer, Bangalore, Belgaum and Dholpur also Rashtriya Military Schools were started by the Government of India.
Earlier their motto was ‘Play the Game’ but after it got its recent name, its motto became “Sheelem Param Bhushanam’ which means Character is the Highest Virtue. It was olso decided by th GOI that no other military schools would be named as Rashtriya Military School.
RMS CET 2016 Results,Rashtriya Military School CET Results 2016 Name Wise,RMS CET results 2016,rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
The school was earlier called as Military schools in 1966 but on June 25, 2007 it got its recent name “Rashtriya Military Schools”. It also became the member of Indian Public Schools Conference (IPSC).
RMS CET Result 2016-15
These are CBSC affiliated schools and function under the aegis of Ministry of Defence. Every year these schools invite applications for admissions to various classes. Recently, these schools declared CET for class VI standard for academic session 2016-15. The students willing to take admission in these schools have to give a CET – Common Entrance Test.
RMS CET 2016 Result
RMS CET 2016 Result
RMS CET 2016 Results,Rashtriya Military School CET Results 2016 Name Wise,RMS CET results 2016,rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
RMS CET 2016 Results,Rashtriya Military School CET Results 2016 Name Wise,RMS CET results 2016,rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
Thus the CET for class VI was recently held on Sunday, December 23, 2016 . The exam was OMR based which had questions from subjects of English, General Knowledge, Mathematics of class V standard. These who would clear the CET would encounter the interview now.
The results of CET are out now. Alert! All the students who gave the entrance test can now see their RMS CET results 2016. To see your RMS CET result follow the easy steps given below:
Go on the official site of rashtriya military schools- rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
follow the simple process -
Enter Roll No. allotted to you.
Enter Date Of Birth
Click on the button show RMS CET 2016 Result.
Your result will be shown within fractions of seconds. Good Luck for your Rashtriya Military School CET 2016 results. Hurry ! And All the Best for your Interviews.
Rashtriya Military Schools Common Entrance Test Hall Ticket 2016-2016 Download at www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in - RMS CET Admit Card 2016:
RMS CET Admit Card 2016-15 Download RMS CET Hall Ticket: The Rashtriya Military Schools are going to conduct RMS Common Entrance Test 2016-15 on 21st December 2016. The candidates who have already applied for RMS CET 2016-15 Exam, are eligible to appear in Written Examination. The Rashtriya Military Schools will release RMS CET Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2016 on its official website at www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in. The candidates are required to visit the official website for downloading RMS CET Hall Ticket 2016.
RMS CET Admit Card 2016-2016 Download
The Rashtriya Military Schools have released a notification regarding Common Entrance Test 2016-15 on its official website at www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in. The RMS CET Exam is taken for admission purpose in 6th Class (VI) and 9th Class (IX) every year. A large number of candidates have applied for RMS CET 2016-15. The Rashtriya Military Schools have decided to arrange Common Entrance Test 2016-15 for admission in Class VI & IX on 21.12.2016. The candidates are waiting for the Admit Card since the application procedure was over. The RMS C - See more at:
Rashtriya Military Schools were established in 1925 in India along with Chail Military School in Jalandhar and Military College Jhelum in Jhelu. Then in other places like Ajmer, Bangalore, Belgaum and Dholpur also Rashtriya Military Schools were started by the Government of India.
Earlier their motto was ‘Play the Game’ but after it got its recent name, its motto became “Sheelem Param Bhushanam’ which means Character is the Highest Virtue. It was olso decided by th GOI that no other military schools would be named as Rashtriya Military School.
RMS CET 2016 Results,Rashtriya Military School CET Results 2016 Name Wise,RMS CET results 2016,rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
The school was earlier called as Military schools in 1966 but on June 25, 2007 it got its recent name “Rashtriya Military Schools”. It also became the member of Indian Public Schools Conference (IPSC).
RMS CET Result 2016-15
These are CBSC affiliated schools and function under the aegis of Ministry of Defence. Every year these schools invite applications for admissions to various classes. Recently, these schools declared CET for class VI standard for academic session 2016-15. The students willing to take admission in these schools have to give a CET – Common Entrance Test.
RMS CET 2016 Result
RMS CET 2016 Result
RMS CET 2016 Results,Rashtriya Military School CET Results 2016 Name Wise,RMS CET results 2016,rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
RMS CET 2016 Results,Rashtriya Military School CET Results 2016 Name Wise,RMS CET results 2016,rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
Thus the CET for class VI was recently held on Sunday, December 23, 2016 . The exam was OMR based which had questions from subjects of English, General Knowledge, Mathematics of class V standard. These who would clear the CET would encounter the interview now.
The results of CET are out now. Alert! All the students who gave the entrance test can now see their RMS CET results 2016. To see your RMS CET result follow the easy steps given below:
Go on the official site of rashtriya military schools- rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
follow the simple process -
Enter Roll No. allotted to you.
Enter Date Of Birth
Click on the button show RMS CET 2016 Result.
Your result will be shown within fractions of seconds. Good Luck for your Rashtriya Military School CET 2016 results. Hurry ! And All the Best for your Interviews.
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