Thursday, 24 September 2015

TSTRANSCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO recruitment results 2016,TS GENCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO answerkey 2016,TSTRANSCO result 2016,

TSTRANSCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO recruitment results 2016,TS GENCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO answerkey 2016,TSTRANSCO result 2016, results 2016,TSTRANSCO recruitment results 2016,TS GENCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO answerkey 2016,TSTRANSCO result 2016, Recruitment 2016,TSTRANSCO Notification 2016,TSTRANSCO online application 2016,TSTRANSCO Syllabus 2016
TSTRANSCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO recruitment results 2016,TS GENCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO answerkey 2016,TSTRANSCO result 2016
    Electrical Circuits and Networks: Kirchhoff s laws, mesh and node analysis, network theorems, sinusoidal steady state analysis of single phase and three phase circuits, resonance, transient response of RL, RC,RLC circuits for different inputs, to-port networks, Two element network synthesis.
    Control Systems: Modeling of physical systems, Block diagrams and signal flow graphs, Time and frequency domain analysis, Steady state errors, Routh  s criterion, Nyquist and Bode plots, compensation, root loci, elementary ideas of state variable analysis, control systems components.
    Measurements and Instrumentation: SI units, measurement of current, voltage, power, power-factor and energy.  Measurement of resistance, inductance capacitance and frequency-bridge methods, transducers and their applications to the measurement of non-electrical quantities like temperature, pressure, strain, displacement etc., cathode ray oscilloscope.
    Analog and Digital Electronics: Characteristics of diodes, BJT, FET,SCR, Amplifier biasing, equivalent circuits, frequency response, feedback amplifiers, power amplifiers, oscillators, operational amplifiers and applications, wave shaping circuits, multi-vibrators, flip-flops, universal gate combinational circuits, A/D and D/A converters.TSTRANSCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO recruitment results 2016,TS GENCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO answerkey 2016,TSTRANSCO result 2016,
    Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Drives: Single phase transformer, equivalent circuit, tests, regulation and efficiency, three phase transformer connections parallel operation, auto transformer, principle of energy conversion, winding of rotating machines, DC generators and motors, characteristics, starting and speed control, three phase induction motors performance characteristics, starting and speed control, single phase induction motors, synchronous generators, performance, regulation, parallel operation, synchronous motors, starting characteristics and applications, synchronous condensers, fractional horse power motors, permanent magnet and stepper motors, Characteristics of Power Electronic devices, phase control, bridge converters, choppers and inverters, basic concepts of adjustable speed drives.
    Power Systems: Electrical power generation thermal, hydro, nuclear : transmission line parameters; steady state performance of overhead transmission lines and cables, surge propagation, distribution systems, insulators, bundle conductors, corona, and radio interference effects; per-unit quantities: bus admittance and impedance matrices: load flow: voltage control and power factor correction; economic operation, symmetrical components, analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults; principles of over current, differential and distance protections, circuit breaker, concept of system stability, swing curves and equal area criterion.TSTRANSCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO recruitment results 2016,TS GENCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO answerkey 2016,TSTRANSCO result 2016,

TSTRANSCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO recruitment results 2016,TS GENCO results 2016,TSTRANSCO answerkey 2016,TSTRANSCO result 2016,

1 comment:

  1. Very good information from your site Sarkari Result please keep updating it daily


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