Sunday, 18 October 2015

Free Google Adsense Approval Fast Tricks 2016,Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2016

Google adsense being the giant in online advertising,it’s the dream of every blogger or website owner to get his/her adsense account approved.There are certain conditions you have to check regarding your wesite or blog before you apply for adsense approval.Bloggers from USA,canada and europe gets adsense approval quickly compared to asians(india,china,.).


  1. Your website or blog should be atleast 6 months old.(newly blogs only from europe,usa,canada are accepted).

  2. Your site should not contain any adult content.

  3. Your site should not contain any copyrighted pictures,videos or links to sites that violate google policies and guidelines.

  4. Never copy and paste content from other websites.Always post new original content.write content rich pages.

  5. You should post atleast 10 to 20 content rich pages before applying.

  6. You must be atleast 18years old.

  7. Your site should have a good navigation system that can link all the pages of the blog from the homepage.

  8. Include an about author page with your original photo.

  9. Copyright your content.You can signup in myfreecopyright to copyright your contents for free.

  10. Get some daily visitors through google search.I think the pageviews are not given much consideration.The content is all.


I applied for adsense soon after my blog became 6 months old.At first,I got many issues which led to the application rejection.It includes the page navigation difficulty,about author page,etc.Each and every time,before sending the next application I tried my level best,so that the issues were not observed the next time.After 5 or 6 times,I was wondering that “page type” issue was observed,which was not fixed after the many applications.The mail was as below.

Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. After reviewing your
application, our specialists have found that it does not meet our program
criteria. Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our program.

We have certain policies in place that we believe will help ensure the
effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as for our
advertisers. We review all publishers, and we reserve the right to decline
any application. As we grow, we may find that we are able to expand our
program to more web publishers with a wider variety of web content.

Please note that we may not be able to respond to inquiries regarding the
specific reasons for our decision. Thank you for your understanding.
Also,I heard that applying for adsense many times in quicktime will have bad effect.After applying many times,really I got depressed.But,I got an idea of making my blogspot blog account into a website.For that I bought a domain through bigrock.There are other website registrars like godaddy.But,they do not accept payment via internet banking.So,I chose can discount from bigrock by applying coupon code.Now,you have two options.The first is to buy hosting plans.For a new blogger it will be difficult to pay that much amount.The second and the easiest is to redirect the blogger account to the new site.After making sure that your site is working properly,reapply for adsense.If any new problems are detected,just resolve them and apply again.Surely,you will get your adsense account approved.

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