Sunday, 18 October 2015

Quick AdSense Approval Tricks 2016,Google AdSense Approval Tips 2016,Google Adsense Account Approval Trick 2016,How Get Free Google Adsense Account Approval Trick 2016

Quick AdSense Approval Tricks 2016,Google AdSense Approval Tips 2016,Google Adsense Account Approval Trick 2016,How Get Free Google Adsense Account Approval Trick 2016 The reason you clicked on this post is very simple that you are not getting approved by Google Adsense.

You know,Some years back Google is always waiting for new publishers to sign up in Google Adsense. And it is very easy to approved from Google Adsense.

But things are now changed,Thousands of request are now send everyday to Google Adsense for approval.And only some publishers are get approved from Google Adsense.

But question always comes in my mind is that,Why these publishers are not Approved? And what to do to get approved from Google Adsense easily.?And i always failed to answer these questions.

So on these days i make an experiment by a deep talk with some bloggers who are not getting Google Adsense account.And i see their blogs and try go get and solve the the problems.

Finally i got some points and tell those bloggers to follow and some of them get approved from Adsense.I am very happy from this and plan to share those points with you.So lets start.

Killer Tips For Google Adsense Approval:-

1)Minimum Post Required: According to me your blog contains minimum of 45+ quality post.But all of them are of good quality.
Remember:- It doesn't mean that you write all of the post in one day.Take 3-4 months to write those posts.

2)Length Of Posts: Don't write small posts(Like 100-200 words).Try to write the posts in 500-600 words.Google doesn't like small posts or the posts only includes images.

3)Write For Your Niche Only: I sure Google is very strict about this.Write only for the niche(Your blog Title) you already choose for your blog.

4)Better And Clean English: This is very important in blogging.Try to improve you writing,Grammar skills.Read your article twice when complete.
Remember:- When you send request to Google Adsense your blog will be reviewed by humans not bots and think if they catch your Grammar and Spelling mistakes.

5)No Adult/Porn Content: Don't write on Adult/Porn content.If you use these contents on your blog.You never get Approved by Google Adsense.

6)No Hacking Content: Don't try to write on hacking.Google also send me warning two times for hacking content.

7)High Quality Images: Try to make your blog post beautiful by using high quality images.And don't use porn images on your blog.

8)Avoid Copyright Content: This is a crime to copy paste content from other blogs.I sure if your blog have copy/paste content you never get approved.

9)Better Blog Design: Use simple and better design for your blog.And make better navigation so that it is easy for the user to search anything from your blog.
Make a logo for your blog.Make you design as like that it is looking like professional website.

10)Decent Amount Of Traffic: You know Google track your blog traffic when you send request for Google Adsense.So don't apply for Google Adsense until you have 500-700 unique visitors.

11)Better Page Rank: Try to make your blog page rank better to make better impression to Google Adsense.If your blog contain better content,Then it is sure that you have better page rank.

12)Better Alexa Rank: Don't send request to Google Adsense until you have 450K alexa rank.
Tip:- Update everyday your blog,sure after some time you get good result in your alexa ranking.

13)Publisher Information: Try to send request through your official domain email address like

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